Thursday, February 3, 2011

God is Trustworthy

It is a blustery cold day here in San Antonio, and I am loving every minute of it. This morning we had a late start for one of our kiddos, but it was precious time helping him conquer a homework writing assignment. This is his first year of having a writing TAKS test and it's been a struggle for him, as well as for myself as I've been helping him tackle each writing assignment. Just as we were finishing up, songs that were very fitting for our situation began playing on one of our most favorite radio stations, KLOVE. One of the songs also resonated deep within my heart on some personal issues I have been struggling with. The song was "Day after Day" by Kristian Stanfill. My favorite line is ... "Time after time, our God is faithful ... Trustworthy Savior my hope is in the Lord". I thank you Abba Father for being a constant and faithfully loving God in my life. I am nothing without You. I love You dearly.

Your Precious Daughter,

1 comment:

Faithful Crafter said...

Just stopped by to say hello. I enjoyed reading your blog. Have a blessed day. Your friend, Valerie