Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Interests . . .

songs by Sara Bareilles - Love Song, Gravity, One Sweet Love

book "Out of Captivity"

gotta look more into them later; on my way to work

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fabulously Furious

Deep breath in . . . Deep breath out . . . Slowly count to 10. Repeat as many times as necessary so as to calm the sizzling and bubbling hot lava that is rapidly approaching the surface and getting ready to totally spew. Can anyone say, "MOM'S ABOUT TO BLOW!!!" Grrrrrrr! Aghhhhhh! Ughhhhh!

Okay, I think the boiling has now calmed to a simmer. In fact, I believe there was a crack of a smile on Mom's face after writing this recent post.

It's been one of those mornings. You know, the kind of school mornings that are thrown a loop with a teachable moment in the midst of . . . wakings kids up, finding out that you forgot to turn on the dryer before going to bed, packing lunches, talking about yesterday's folder mark at school, making sure that last night's throw-up episode was nothing more than your little pumpkin getting overstressed, yada yada, and oh yeah . . . you've got to do all this with some sort of peace cause you're also sending your sweet husband off to work.

I've got one more kid to help get ready and take to school, and then it's time for Mama to get herself together and go in to work. Yeah! Now that, I'm looking forward to. It's been SEVERAL years since I stopped working to be a stay-at-home Mom, and I've just recently started working part-time. That is another whole blog entry in itself.

Ahhhhh . . . how much calmer I feel after having just vented. Blogging is pretty sweet!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Missing the husband . . .

Here's some old photos of my husband and I. He's gone on his first hunting trip, and I have to admit I miss him.

We've had a few rough times recently in our marriage. Honestly, tell me who doesn't ever have some rough marriage times! I don't think we ever realize how tough marriage can be. Especially if when you marry, you're not even sure of who you are as a person. That was me . . . woo! hoo! I was the one who thought "my knight in shining armor had finally rescued me!" Rescued me from what? Maybe from actually taking the journey of soul searching? Once I got married, I got busy with being a wife and soon after, a mom. There wasn't too much time to work on soul searching, until it got kind of quiet with all the kids going to school.

As I've mentioned to my husband just a few weeks ago, and it has now become somewhat of a personal motto: "growing a marriage". When marriage is abundantly joyful, painful, thrilling, lonely, thriving, or stagnant . . . as long as we continue to make the efforts to put one foot in front of the other, we are still growing. Growth requires change, and change can be difficult, yet it is necessary. So in the journey of deep soul searching, I thank my husband for remaining married even when he doesn't have a clue. (Shh! which is most of the time, but he's working on it :) Most importantly, I thank my Heavenly Father for the gift of His presence and direction, my husband and my children, as well as close family and friends that He has given me so that I don't have to make this journey alone.