Friday, March 13, 2009

Puppy Drama . . . it's not even ours, ha! ha!

Okey dokey, it took about an hour but I think I'm ready to go back to bed. I fell asleep early around 9:30pm, but heard some puppy crying in our kitchen around 1am. Upon entering the kitchen to shut up the noise, there was a lovely display of trash and doggy poop. Our dog was in his kennel with a bunch of trash, as well as the box of his heartworm medicine that he apparently got into. The puppy who has taken refuge at our place was jumpin' around yelping and falling all over himself. After a few moments of flustered and sleepy-eyed problem solving, I got both dogs in the kennel, left the mess for the morning, and stomped back up to my room EXTREMELY PEEVED!!!

We're sort of dogsitting our neighbor's puppy. I say sort of because it was out of pity that we took in the little stinker. His sister stayed the night Thursday night, but ran back home Friday morning after having contributed a bunch of poop and pee mess in my kitchen.

Since our neighbors have been out of town, we'd seen their 3 chihuahua mutts runnin' around the neighborhood. We had no way to get in touch with them. With coaxing from another neighbor, the kids and I took it upon ourselves to try and get them in our house out of the cold, rainy weather. The mama mutt wasn't having any of it and always ran back to their backyard.

Why in the world do I continue taking in dogs when I absolutely can't stand dealing with them!!! We've put the puppy outside to do his business (while I secretly hoped he would go back home), but he's now used to us and just comes back crying like crazy and throwing himself against our back door wanting to come back in. Oh yeah! I'll have to do some investigatin' but I think one of the other neighbors was kind of looking after them because one of the boys came knocking on our door sometime after 9pm saying the puppy was his. I don't know what my hubby told him, but the puppy was still in our kitchen at 1am.

I'll be visiting somebody tomorrow to try and sort things out. This puppy cannot stay here any longer. It's getting ridiculous constantly having to climb over the baby gate to get in and out of the kitchen.